Installation and usage


Django Markdownify requires Django (obviously), as well as Markdown and Bleach version 5 or higher. When installing Django Markdownify, dependencies will be installed automatically.


Install Django Markdownify with pip:

pip install django-markdownify

Or add django-markdownify to your requirements.txt and run pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally add markdownify to your installed apps in



Load the tag in your template:

{% load markdownify %}

Then you can change markdown to html as follows:

{{ 'text'|markdownify }}

Use Markdown in your template directly:

{% load markdownify %}
{{'Some *test* [link](#)'|markdownify }}

Or use the filter on a variable passed to the template via your views. For example:

class MarkDown(TemplateView):
    template_name = 'index.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        markdowntext = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/')).read()

        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['markdowntext'] = markdowntext

        return context

# index.html
{% load markdownify %}
{{ markdowntext|markdownify }}

You probably want to add some extra allowed tags and attributes in the Settings, because the defaults are rather sparse.

It is possible to have different settings for different use cases, for example:

# page1.html
{{ markdowntext|markdownify }} <!-- uses the default settings -->

# page2.html
{{ markdowntext|markdownify:"restricted" }} <!-- uses the 'restricted' settings -->

See Settings for a more detailed explanation.

An alternative way to use Markdownify is to put your text between the {% markdownify %} and {% endmmarkdownify %} tags:

{% load markdownify %}

{% markdownify %}Some *test* [link](#){% endmarkdownify %}

This is useful if you are using Markdownify on another templatetag for example:

{% load markdownify my_custom_template_tag %}

{% markdownify %}
    {% my_custom_template_tag %}
{% endmarkdownify %}

You can pass in the alternative settings as a parameter to the markdownify tag:

{% load markdownify %}

{% markdownify "restricted" %}Some *test* [link](#){% endmarkdownify %}